Ryan Rueger

ryan@rueg.re / me.jpg
$ curl -L rueg.re/pgp | gpg --import -

Interested in algorithmic arithmetic geometry and number theory for applications in post-quantum isogeny-based cryptography.

Pre-doctoral researcher at IBM Research Zurich, pursuing a PhD from TU Munich. Advised by Luca De Feo and Lorenz Panny.


PEGASIS: Practical Effective Class Group Action using 4-Dimensional Isogenies
Pierrick Dartois, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Arthur Herlédan Le Merdy, Riccardo Invernizzi, Damien Robert, Ryan Rueger, Frederik Vercauteren and Benjamin Wesolowski.
[PDF] In submission.


Computing the isogeny class-group action on ordinary elliptic curves by going into higher dimensions
Master Thesis. [PDF] [Implementation] [Slides]
Taylor Expansions of Modular Forms at CM Points
Semester Thesis. [PDF] [Implementation]
Eta Products
Semester Thesis. [PDF] [Implementation]


A desktop environment for window managers.
Use NASA’s STRM DEM data to create contour lines.
A lightweight statusline and tabline for vim that prioritises low init times and latency over features.


Is it "GPG" or "PGP"?
Regenerating `initramfs` from another snapshot with `mkinitcpio`
Cycling Zurich to Locarno via San Bernadino
Passwordless Git over HTTP(s) for Overleaf
Using NASA DEM data to create high resolution contour lines with QGIS
Groups of Order 4 are Commutative