Ryan Rueger

ryan@rueg.re / me.jpg
$ curl -L rueg.re/pgp | gpg --import -

Cycling Zurich to Locarno via San Bernadino

As preparation for the 275km/5500m “Vertical Brevet” I cycled from Zurich to Locarno via the San Bernadino pass.

The plan was to start in Zurich at 5AM, cycle to Walenstadt to meet friends Max and Lukas. Then to cycle to Thusis to pick up Adrian to climb to the top of the San Bernadino Pass. Then to drop down through Tessin to get to Locarno.

Here is the route on Komoot

Most of the following photos are screenshots from video footage I took (I guess you can tell because of the Fish-Eye effect).

Setting out at Dawn gave an incredibly red Sky.

The route along the Walensee is very beautiful

We’ve passed through Thusis now and have started the long climb

We’ve said goodbye to Adrian now and Max, Lukas and I started the descent. Max is in the fetching yellow jacket.

Final push up this little climb…