Passwordless Git over HTTP(s) for Overleaf
A cool feature of Overleaf is that you can use it with git: under the project’s menu you can choose Git under the sync options.
This is brilliant if you still prefer the old-school way of writing LaTeX
(directly on your
computer using $EDITOR
) but are collaborating with people who prefer the Overleaf workflow.
However, one minor drawback is that you cannot upload your ssh
key for passwordless
authentication. This is where git-credential
helpers come in.
In your ~/.gitconfig
you can define a “helper” for Overleaf. The general block goes as
[credential ""]
username = <USERNAME>
helper = "!f() { test \"$1\" = get && echo password=<PASSWORD>; }; f"
The leading !
of the helper
command tells git to interpret this as a shell command;
which in turn gives us a lot of flexibility. We only need to know that git passes an argument to the helper
command which is either get
, store
or erase
. We only need to get the
credential value.
Since we may not want our password to be stored in the ~/.gitconfig
in plaintext, we can also
evaluate a command. For example, if you use pass
helper = "!f() { test \"$1\" = get && echo password=$(pass overleaf); }; f"
or more crudely, directly with gpg
helper = "!f() { test \"$1\" = get && echo password=$(gpg -dq ~/.overleaf.gpg); }; f"
Git is documented very well in general, and using password credential helpers is no exception. Looking under
man gitcredentials
will likely answer any further questions.
Happy Overleafing via git.