Ryan Rueger

ryan@rueg.re / me.jpg
$ curl -L rueg.re/pgp | gpg --import -

Is it "GPG" or "PGP"?

The Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) suite is a collection of non-free programs originally written by Phil Zimmerman in 1991, now developed by Broadcom. When writing PGP, Zimmerman requested for comments (RFC 1991) on the format(s) used by the PGP suite. In two further iterations, RFC 4880 was born, defining the OpenPGP message format. This (free, open) standard is implemented by the free GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or GPG). The main executable belonging to the GnuPG package in most Linux distributions is called gpg.

So, really my “key” is a public key that I created using the gpg utility, conforming to the OpenPGP standard which in turn was derived from the PGP implementation; this OpenPGP key is essentially a bundle of (public) keys used for encrypting to me, and verifying my signatures. Calling gpg -k ryan@rueg.re will show the subkeys each with a different role (encrypting, signing, authenticating in my case).

pub   ed25519 2024-08-14 [SCA] [expires: 2027-08-14]
uid           [ unknown] Ryan Rueger <ryan@rueg.re>
sub   cv25519 2024-08-14 [E] [expires: 2029-08-13]
sub   ed25519 2024-08-14 [S] [expires: 2029-08-13]
sub   ed25519 2024-08-14 [A] [expires: 2029-08-13]

We can also see that these keys use different algorithms based on Bernstein’s Curve25519, which was the future-default when I created my key.

This story gives us the different reasonable nomenclatures: the key is technically an OpenPGP key, but this is often shortened to a “PGP key”. Since many people, however, interact with their “PGP” keys using the tool gpg, they may also call these “GPG” keys.

Last time I checked, the Google Ngram for “PGP key” vs “GPG key” (case insensitive) had “GPG key” being more popular than “PGP key”.